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西汉姆联合作伙伴 Scope Markets 品牌新形象首次在球队队服亮相

2021-07-20 10:52:20 来源:钥城网
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2021年7月15日,屡获殊荣的在线交易商 Scope Markets 斯科普在伦敦宣布,作为品牌新形象更新的一部分,其新标志将首次成为西汉姆联队球衣的袖标。在此之前, 自 2018 年以来,Scope Markets斯科普 一直是英超西汉姆联的官方在线交易伙伴。2021年7月15日,屡获殊荣的在线交易商 Scope Markets 斯科普在伦敦宣布,作为品牌新形象更新的一部分,其新标志将首次成为西汉姆联队球衣的袖标。在此之前, 自 2018 年以来,Scope Markets斯科普 一直是英超西汉姆联的官方在线交易伙伴。

Scope Markets 斯科普首席执行官Jacob Plattner 表示: “对于西汉姆联来说,本赛季是一个激动人心的赛季,这是他们第一次进入欧联杯小组赛阶段。而我们的新LOGO也将在出现在每一件球衣的袖标上,这将是一个非常有力的宣传工具,可以让全球热情的西汉姆球迷和其他球迷进一步了解Scope Markets。”

上个赛季,Scope Markets 与俱乐部合作制作了一系列独家视频,该项目让经纪公司吸引了新的观众并建立了自己品牌的知名度。 由于这一创新举措的成功,新内容将在未来几个月发布。

Jacob Plattner 补充说: “在斯科普,我们致力于创新和不同的创意,确保我们与下一代交易者可以以适合他们的方式互动。 与西汉姆联队的合作真正帮助我们实现了这些目标。”

西汉姆联商务总监Nathan Thompson表示:“我们很高兴能一直与 Scope Markets 保持长久的合作关系,他们在过去三年一直是俱乐部的重要合作伙伴。”

“我们期待在接下来的几个赛季中为实现我们共同的目标而一起合作,无论是在英超联赛还是在欧洲,这将是非常激动人心的 2021/22 赛季。”

Scope Markets 品牌新形象开启了斯科普的新篇章,他们将有希望实现他们关于零售经纪商应该如何定位的想法。 零售交易从未像现在这样强大过。 零售交易的改革催生了一批年轻、知识渊博、渴望得到认可的交易员。

Scope Markets 虽然更换了新的品牌形象,但公司始终专注于其核心价值观:为客户提供一流的交易和教育服务体验。

Jacob Plattner总结道:“做交易,我们是认真的。同时怀着对我们的客户感激之心,公司始终致力于为客户提供一个舒适的交易体验,而不是用专业术语迷惑他们或让他们冒着超出能力范围的风险。 我们不仅仅是谈论诚实和正直,而是一直将我们视为客户的延伸。”

关于Scope Markets :

Scope Markets成立于2014年,是一家值得信赖且屡获殊荣的金融衍生品交易公司,为全球企业和交易员提供机构和零售交易服务。Scope Markets总部设在塞浦路斯,在肯尼亚、南非、越南和台湾地区都设有办事处。Scope Markets由伯利兹国际金融服务委员会(“IFSC”)授权和监管,许可证号为000274/221和000274/222。Scope Markets Limited的注册地址是伯利兹伯利兹市1708号科克街5号。Scope Markets自2018年以来一直是西汉姆联队的官方在线交易合作伙伴。

West Ham kit sponsor Scope Markets debuts new logo on team shirts.

London, July 15th, 2021 - Scope Markets, the award-winning online brokerage, has today announced that its new logo will debut on the shirt sleeves of West Ham United’s new kit as part of a brand refresh. Scope has been the official online trading partner of West Ham since 2018 before taking on sleeve sponsorship last year.

Jacob Plattner, CEO of Scope Markets, said: “This season is set to be an exciting one for West Ham as they enter the Europa League Group stage for the very first time. With our new logo on display on the sleeves of each shirt, we know this will be a powerful tool in building further awareness of Scope Markets both amongst the passionate, global West Ham fan base and indeed many other football supporters.”

Last season, Scope Markets created a series of exclusive video features in conjunction with the club, a project which saw the broker engaging new audiences and building awareness of its own brand. Owing to the success of this innovative move, fresh content is set to be released in the coming months.

Jacob Plattner added: “At Scope we’re committed to innovation and doing things differently, ensuring we engage with the next generation of traders in the accessible formats that suit them. This partnership with West Ham truly helps us deliver against those goals.”

Nathan Thompson, West Ham United Commercial Director, said: “We are thrilled to extend our partnership with Scope Markets, who have been a great partner to the Club for the past three years.

“We’re looking forward to working together over the seasons ahead on our shared objectives in what will be a hugely exciting 2021/22 campaign, both in the Premier League and in Europe.”

The rebranding at Scope Markets reflects a new chapter for the company as they look to implement their view of how a retail broker should be positioned. Retail traders have never had more power than they do now. The retail trader revolution has led to a new breed of young, knowledgeable and hungry traders keen to be acknowledged.

Scope May have changed brand and shifted their message, but the broker remains focussed on its key values of always providing a best-in-class trading and education experience for clients.

Jacob Plattner concluded: “We take trading seriously, but at the same time appreciate who our clients are and will always work to ensure they are comfortable, rather than bamboozling them with jargon or risk making them feel out of their depth. We don’t just want to talk about honesty and integrity, but always show that we are an extension of our clients.”







